Pat and Jim Mastors before meeting Gov. Carcieri
Ten students in Steve Reiss's freshman seminar CS009-3: "Building a Web Application" are creating a web application to support charitable contributions to a wide range of projects. The concept, conceived and directed by Pat and Jim Mastors, lets charities describe projects to be funded. Individual donors can then browse through the projects and choose those of interest. Feedback as used by E-bay or Amazon is given throughout to make the whole process self-regulating.
While the application is not yet complete, there has been interest in both the state government and the charitable community. On November 23, the students demonstrated the system to Rhode Island Governor Carcieri and his staff. A public demonstration of the system, the "final exam" for the course, will be given on December 9 in the CS Department (4th floor CIT).
For more information, see http://www.cs.brown.edu/courses/cs009-3.