Brown CS News

2006 Research Seed Funding Recipients

Brown's Office of the Vice President for Research recently announced the 2006 Research Seed Funding Recipients.

Associate Professor David Laidlaw is co-PI on "Development and Verification of CTX Imaging for Musculoskeletal Biomechanics Research" which was awarded $100,000.

The research team, which also includes zoologists and bioengineers, is collaborating on the development of “CTX,” a new biomedical imaging technology for dynamic visualization of bones and joints in motion. With this advanced technology researchers will be able to look inside living humans and animals and see their skeletons moving in 3D. This new technology will find broad application in orthopedics and zoological biomechanics research, and possibly lead to clinical diagnosis and treatment of orthopedic problems.

Research Seed Funding was created to help faculty compete more successfully for large-scale, multidisciplinary, multi-investigator grants. With an annual budget of $400,000 in 2004-2005, the Vice President for Research awarded five out of sixteen applications.

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