David Laidlaw was recently presented with the IEEE VGTC Visualization Technical Achievement Award in recognition of outstanding technical work in the area of multi-valued data visualization. His work, which visually portrays a lot of data simultaneously, has been presented at IEEE Visualization. The award was given by the IEEE Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee on October 22, 2008 at IEEE Visualization 2008, held in Columbus, Ohio.
The IEEE VGTC Visualization Technical Achievement Award was established in 2004 to recognize an individual for a seminal technical achievement. David is the fifth recipient of this award.
“I’m thrilled to be given this amazing honor and thankful to the many people who helped along the road to this award,” said David. “I am especially grateful for the tools that my parents provided me with that helped me become an independent researcher as well as the guidance all of my mentors – Tom Banchoff and Andy van Dam at Brown and Al Barr, Scott Fraser and Russ Jacobs at Caltech – offered over the years. The colleagues and advisees I’ve had the honor of working with at Brown have supplied real problems, a truly collaborative environment, mentoring, and co-advising and without them, my research would have been completely different.”