At Brown University's 242nd Commencement exercises on Sunday, May 30, 2010, the Computer Science Department awarded an all-time high of 46 Master of Science degrees. In addition, 48 bachelor’s degrees and eight Ph.Ds were conferred in the department’s 31st year. Chair Roberto Tamassia said, “I offer my sincerest congratulations to those students who received their degrees. It was a pleasure having all of you as part of the computer science `family' here at Brown, and we look forward to watching you succeed”
The graduates are:
A.B. Computer Science: Lawrence Y. Chan, Joost C. deNijs (also completed A.B. in Political Science), Tristian P. deRond (also completed Sc.B. in Biochemistry), Jacob Eakle, Samuel S. Hitov, JaBin Hong (also completed Sc.B. in Neuroscience), Alexander J. Korzec (also completed A.B. in Music), Paul O. McCann (also completed A.B. in Literature & Culture in English), Adam S. Pantel (also completed Sc.B. in Mathematics), Jason L. Rodriguez, Ian P. Williams, Asa M. Wynn-Grant
Sc.B. Computer Science: Spencer Brody, Bo Chen, James C. Chin, Kenneth F. Coane, Benjamin T. Cohen, Linda Y. Fong, Lyla M. Fujiwara, Tristan C. Hale, Alexander R. Heitzmann, Benjamin J. Hutchinson, Peter J. Kalmakis, Grant W. Kellerman, Douglas R. Kirschner (magna cum laude), Randall M. Leeds, Sean E. Murray, Robert L. Mustacchi (Honors, Senior Prize), Gal Peleg, Maxim Rusnak (also completed A.B. in International Relations), Claudiu Saftoiu (Honors, Senior Prize), Jonathan D. Silverman, Samuel J. Tarakajian, Alexander Urim, Saurya S. Velazquez, Kelly S. Wong
Sc.B. Math-Computer Science: Alexander Hutter, Timothy St. Clair
Sc.B. Applied Math-Computer Science: Alexander Collins (magna cum laude), Matthew Fornaciari
A.B. Computer Science-Economics: Richard Henderson
Sc.B. in Computer Science-Economics: Gregory Abdo (magna cum laude), Gregory Einfrank, Ali Ozler
Sc.B. Computational Biology: Jihan Chao, Allan Stewart (Honors, magna cum laude)
Concurrent Sc.M. in Computer Science and Sc.B. in Math-Computer Science: Borislav Hristov (Senior Prize, magna cum laude)
Sc.M. Computer Science: Derek Cole Aguiar, Donald S. Black, Carleton Coffrin, Patrick Doran, Spiridon A. Eliopoulos, Jesse Errico, Milagro I. Feijoo, Michael Feldman, Jacob Max Frank, Peng Guan, Steven Holte, Diana Huang, Muhammad Ahsan Hussain, Ebhodaghe Newton Ikhariale, Sidra Islam, James Alexander Jablin, Ram Suman Karumuri, Lufti Ilke Kaya, R. Onur Keskin, Barbra T. Korel, Xiyang Liu, Andrew C. Miller, Andrew Oates, Trevor O’Brien, Olga Ohrimenko, Michael Okola, Selim Onal, Hojoon Park, Samuel Northcote Pucci, Matteo Riondato, Daniel Rosenberg, Rudy Daniel Sandoval, Paul A. Savickas, Ning Shi, Yash Jayesh Thakore, Gregory Thompson, Kevin Tierney, Ahmet Engin Ural, Marek Vondrak, Dongbo Wang, Juexin Wang, Shitong Wang, Hsin-Ta Wu, Qiao Xie, Zhe Zhang
Ph.D. Computer Science: Alexandru O. Balan, Daniel Harris Grollman, Alptekin Kupcu, Matthew Lease, Yossi Lev, David McClosky, Victor Naroditskiy, Eric Rachlin