The Department is excited to announce the promotions of Ugur Çetintemel and Shriram Krishnamurthi to Professor, effective July 1, 2012. “These faculty members are internationally respected and highly visible in their areas of expertise and have a strong commitment to teaching and advising,” said Department Chair Roberto Tamassia. “We are delighted that the University has recognized the outstanding work of Ugur and Shriram by promoting them to a higher academic rank.”
Ugur Çetintemel
Ugur specializes in the management and analysis of data at scale. His recent focus has been on developing systems and techniques for real-time analytics. He is also researching methods to support interactive exploration and analysis of big data.
Ugur has joined the department in 2001 after completing his PhD at the University of Maryland, College Park. Ugur is currently serving as the PC co-chair for VLDB 2012 and was the general co-chair of ACM SIGMOD 2009. He also serves as an associate editor for the VLDB Journal, Distributed and Parallel Databases Journal and the ACM SIGMOD Record.
He is the recipient of an NSF CAREER award and was a Brown University Manning Assistant Professor. He has been PI or co-PI for multiple projects supported by NSF, NVIDIA, Microsoft, MITRE Corporation, the Army Medical Research and Material Command, and private foundations, with overall funding exceeding $6M. Ugur is also a co-founder and a senior architect for StreamBase Inc., a high-performance analytics company.
Shriram Krishnamurthi
Shriram joined the department in 2000 after receiving his PhD in Computer Science from Rice University. He currently focuses on securing various attack surfaces on the Web through the lens of programming languages. With collaborators, he has created several influential systems: DrRacket (programming environment), Margrave (access control policy analyzer), FrTime and Flapjax (reactive programming languages), and JSWebTools (a suite of semantics, types, and tools for JavaScript and Web browsers. He is a co-author of How to Design Programs and author of Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation.
He serves on multiple editorial boards and has given several keynote talks. He is the recipient of an NSF CAREER award and of a Henry Merritt Wriston Fellowship from Brown for distinguished contribution to undergraduate education. He has research funding from NSF and several corporations and foundations.
Shriram is passionate about improving introductory computer science education. He has worked tirelessly through the Program by Design (formerly TeachScheme!) project to provide educators with the tools needed to address the fundamental problems that students face during their early computer science coursework. In addition, Shriram has been instrumental in the development and implementation of Bootstrap, a standards-based curriculum for middle-school students, which teaches them to program their own videogames using purely algebraic and geometric concepts.